Things You'll Need
Use your tape measure to determine how long a piece of cording you're planning to cover. Allow a couple extra inches.
Determine what thickness cording you plan to use. You need enough fabric to wrap around the cording plus at least 1 inch or more to allow for the seam allowance.
Look at the piece you are applying the cording to. If it has a lot of curves, you may want to consider covering the cording on the bias. This takes more fabric, but allows the cording to fold around tight corners easily. If don't have many corners or if the piece has gentle curves, cut the fabric on the grain.
Purchase the amount of cording you need. Also purchase the fabric.
Prewash both items and dry without a fabric softener sheet. If you plan to never wash the item, you can skip this step.
Cut the fabric into strips. If you need to piece the fabric pieces, sew the ends together with a 1/2-inch seam.
Fold the fabric strips around the cording to cover it. Stitch a row of straight stitches as close as possible to the cording. A zipper foot can makes it a lot easier to create your piping.