Things You'll Need
Pick a doll clothes pattern for making doll clothes. Patters range from those intended for specific dolls like American Girl doll dress patterns for making doll clothes for American Girl dolls, to generic baby doll clothes patterns.
Measure the dolls for their doll clothes to ensure the proper fit and to determine which size to make. Skip this step when making doll clothes from a pattern intended for your specific type of doll (Barbie doll clothes for a Barbie).
Choose fabric for the doll clothes. Be creative. Consider making doll clothes from a cotton nightgown or making doll clothes to match a bedroom quilt, for example.
Cut the fabric and embellishments (such as lace and ribbon) according to the doll clothes pattern instructions. Making doll clothes yourself allows room for creativity--you can add what you like to the doll clothes.
Sew the fabric pieces together as per the pattern instructions, making sure to follow notations for seam allowances. Making doll clothes requires some attention to detail since the pieces are all miniature.
Turn doll clothes right side out and press with a warm iron. Dress the doll in her new duds and congratulate yourself on you doll clothes-making skills.