Things You'll Need
Pick the fleece material. This blanket design is fairly basic. Choose to use different colors or patterns or use one solid color. The blanket size is 6 feet x 7 feet and fits a queen size bed. Pick the colors accordingly.
Measure the fabric for the blanket. It needs to be 6 feet, 1 inch on one side and 7 feet, 1 inch on the other. The 1 inch length is for the hem. Sew the fabric together to make the 6 x 7 foot blanket.
Fold the fabric 1/2 inch around the edges. Pin the fabric down. Hem around the outside of the blanket.
Find the exact center of the blanket. Cut a 1 foot square out of the middle of the fabric.
Cut out two 1-foot squares of fleece. Sew one side of each of the squares to each other to make the hood.
Place the hood in hole. Sew 3 sides of the square into the blanket. Leave a side open for the head to fit through.
Hem around the edge of the hood and the fourth side of the square in the blanket.