Choose or draw a design you wish to make into an art quilt. If it is an existing design, enlarge it to the size you need for your quilt. If it is a design of your own creation, make certain it fits the dimensions you need.
Break down the picture into individual shapes that from which you will be making the quilt. In a sense, you are creating a gigantic jig-saw puzzle that will fit smoothly together without the interlocking parts. Label the pieces according to color and location.
Make two more copies of this pattern. One you will cut up for the individual pattern pieces, one is the master pattern on which you'll lay the quilt pieces as you're assembling it. The last will be a back-up, in case you make a mistake.
Find fabric to match the colors you have chosen. You can do this at any fabric store or quilting shop.
Cut the fabric into the pattern pieces, being careful to leave a ¼ inch seam allowance. Lay it out on the master pattern.
Sew the pieces together, right side up to right side up. Press them as you go. Take your time.
Lay the assembled top onto batting and the backing, and then baste (long, temporary stitches to hold everything in place) all the way around. Begin to quilt the three layers together. You can create some interesting textures, depending on where you chose to quilt in the pattern.
Enjoy your art quilt.