Look for vintage dress patterns in thrift stores and other second-hand shops. Seek the sewing section if one exists, or look for patterns near the fabrics. Check back often, as thrift stores receive new merchandise every day.
Attend estate auctions and look for boxes containing old patterns. Save time by attending a scheduled viewing of the items for sale before the auction to make sure there are patterns available before spending a day watching the auction.
Search online for websites catering exclusively to those who sew with vintage patterns. So Vintage Patterns has an extensive list of fabric patterns from the early 1900s through the 1960s to Couture to Evening Wear. Look for vintage fabrics and notions to go with the patterns.
Shop on eBay for the many vintage patterns available each day. Look for the specific pattern maker or the type of dress you're looking to make. Find sellers who specialize in vintage patterns and add them to your favorite seller's list. Receive notifications about new patterns sellers add to their site.
Check vintage pattern archives to learn about the patterns available in different time periods. Discover patterns you never new existed and seek out those patterns. Sew Fun Patterns has an archived list of patterns from various time periods to choose from.