Find a large wooden log and place it in a driveway or other cemented area. Buy a few sheets of standard-sized plywood and a box of nails. Place one end of the plywood on the edge of the wooden log. Hammer 5 nails through the plywood into the wooden log spacing them about 4 inches apart. Sand down the edge of the plywood touching the ground to create a fluid roll up. Slide bricks under the area between the log and the plywood to create support for the ramp. Place one banked ramp perpendicular to another one to create the basic ramp-to-ramp build of the pyramid. To create the full pyramid, place all four ramps perpendicular to one another making a cross shaped setup. To build the flat area in the center of the banked ramps, stack cinder blocks to the appropriate height and lay a piece of plywood on top. The flat area functions as a surface for the skater to jump over.
Another simple way to create a pyramid skateboard ramp uses movable cinder blocks as opposed to hammering nails. Stack two cinder blocks on top of each other and place them horizontally on a paved surface. Place two more stacked cinder blocks parallel to the first set, spacing them 3 feet apart. Lay one edge of a standard sized piece of plywood on the cinder blocks, letting the other end touch the ground. Duct tape a metal sign to the edge of the plywood touching the ground to enable a smooth roll up. Slide bricks under the ramp to create a foundation. Build three more ramps with this construction and place them perpendicular to one another. Stack cinder blocks in the middle of the four ramps, placing a piece of plywood on top to construct the flat surface.
The easiest yet most expensive way to create a skateboard pyramid ramp consists of buying four preassembled banked ramps. These ramps are often manufactured with hard plastic and metal, will last longer than the homemade wooden constructions. Place the four ramps perpendicular to one another to create the cross-shaped pyramid. Stack cinder blocks in the middle of the ramps to produce the flat region. Lay one piece of plywood on top of the cinder blocks.