Things You'll Need
Select Appropriate Soap Box Derby Car Parts
Select parts that are lightweight but durable. Lightweight parts reduce the amount of friction the wheels must deal with during driving. This will help increase your car's speed. Just remember that you need to select parts that are strong enough to support your weight without failing from the stress.
Choose parts that move freely without the need for additional lubricants or bearings. Many racing circuits forbid bearings or lubricants for the internal parts of the car. The only lubricant conditionally allowed is n for the wheels.
Double-check your car's design to ensure that the parts you are looking to purchase are definitely going to fit or are going to be of the proper size and shape.
Use metal parts wherever possible. Most of the metal parts manufactured for soap box derby racing provide great strength without adding a critical amount of weight.
Find a sturdy pivot for your front wheels. Wooden parts are available that incorporate a pin design, while metal steering columns are also an option. Be sure to check the rules of the derby you are entering to learn which parts are permitted.
Add a spoiler or windshields to the wheels to help reduce drag. Drag will continue to slow the car down, which is why many designs today look sleeker and more like their bigger cousins, real race cars.