Things You'll Need
Build a Soap Box Derby Car
Begin by selecting the materials you're going to use to construct your soap box derby car. If you're building a car for recreation there's no limit to the kind of materials you could use. If you're going to compete you'll need to choose carefully.
Shape the base and flooring of the car. At this point you should know if you wish to use a narrow, pointed nose or a bulbous nose. You'll also want to know if you plan on rounding the chassis itself or if you wish to use a sloping, triangular design.
Set up the rigging that will support and house the wheels. The back wheels remain stationary, but the front wheels need to incorporate the turning mechanism. You can either use simple rope or you can select a more sophisticated steering system using a steering wheel.
Attach the upper chassis and main body of the soap box derby car. It is important to line up the sections accurately before you begin to fasten it into place. If it is placed even slightly askew then the problem will become more pronounced at other points on the car. Use duct tape or clamps to hold the chassis in place to prevent slipping.