Things You'll Need
Grab hold of the reigns or hook at the bull's neck and then swing one leg over the bull to mount it. Find a comfortable, seated position. This is called your center and it will help you maintain balance throughout the ride.
Pay attention to the bull as it starts to move. At the lowest level or setting, it will start off by slowly moving forward or backward. If it tips backward, counteract the motion by leaning your body weight toward the front. If it tips forward, lean backward.
Maintain focus as you continue to counter the bull's movements. When you're ready, release one hand and use it to help you balance.
Increase the level once you feel as though you can handle the challenge. As the bull starts to buck in several directions, use the strength of your holding arm and your inner thighs to squeeze the bull.
Tuck your chin as the intensity increases. Keeping it down will help stabilize your upper body. Keep your body as close as you can to your holding hand so that you don't lose your center of gravity.