Boil Water
An easy and effective way to purify water is to bring it to a steady boil, which will kill all pathogens. This method is best for ensuring your water is safe to drink. Bring your water to a steady boil for 1-3 minutes. If you are at a high altitudes such as mountain, then this will require at least 5-7 minutes boiling time. This method of water purification requires a working household cooking facilities that has fuel or some type of survival cooking equipment.
Water filters last for a very long time and effectively remove microbes as well as other suspended solids. Maintenance of filters consist of scrubbing the filter and washing the container and the spigot in order to prevent the build up of bacteria. Portable water filters are self-contained units that are designed to be used in disaster situations. These devices make palatable the otherwise unchlorinated, unsafe water.
Chemical Water Purification
Household liquid chlorine bleach can be used for emergency water disinfection. Use bleach that is composed of 5 to 6 percent sodium hypochlorite. The standard household bleach is typically 5.25 percent sodium hypochlorite. Use a clean medicine dropper to add 4 drops of bleach for each quart of water. There are also kits that provide iodine and vitamin C pills. After adding the pills, it is best to allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes in relatively clear, warm water. You may need to allow more time, depending on how murky or cold the water is.
Ultraviolet light cleansing is also an effective way to purify drinking water. Ultraviolet light can destroy DNA and prevent microbes from reproducing. This makes the microbes far less dangerous. Ultraviolet filtration is by far the healthiest water you can drink in cases of emergencies. When the water has been filtered with ultraviolet light, it will be pure and safe. There are portable UV water purifiers available that are lightweight and work very quickly.