At-Home Card Test
Make five different cards of the exact same shape and color with one design on only one side of each card. The cards should have a star, circle, square, cross and waves.
Have your friend shuffle the cards together in one hand and then draw a card without showing it to you.
Have her look at the card and picture the design in her head.
Try to see if you can "divine" the design on the card by reading your friend's mind.
Do this ten times in a row. The natural chance average of this exercise is that you will guess the correct symbol twice in ten draws. If you have scored significantly higher than this, you may have identified some psychic ability. Repeat the test to be sure. Consistently scoring well above average is a sign that you may have some psychic power.
A Scientifically Controlled Test
Sit at a table in the center of a room with an empty chair in the corner.
Have someone brought into the room and brought to the chair to sit down.
Have the sitting person read out loud something that was predetermined and has nothing to do with him whatsoever, like the day's headlines or the first page of a novel. He should read something so that you get to hear his voice but you don't get any information about his life.
When he is done, have him escorted out of the room and write down your psychic reading of his life, including career, love life and childhood stories. If you have psychic abillities and powers, you should be able to ascertain things about his life simply from hearing his voice.
Repeat this process with ten different people in total, keeping the the psychic readings to yourself until you have finished with the last one. Do not share any of the information from your psychic readings with anyone and do not have interaction with any of the people taking part in the test beyond listening to them read the newspaper or other written text. This is necessary to determine if you are able to gather information about them from sources beyond what can be explained by the depth of your interactions.
Have the ten psychic readings that you wrote randomly given to the ten people and have them read each and every one, deciding for themselves which one you wrote about them.
If more than two people pick their own psychic readings, you are above chance average. Repeat the test again for control.