Things You'll Need
Attach a 4-inch long PVC pipe or a 4- by 4- by 2-inch block of wood to a spring-loaded, retractable magician's reel. Magician's reels are sold in stores that sell magic tricks and are used in numerous magic tricks.
Put this device, which magicians call a gimmick, inside the pant leg of your dominant leg. Attach the reel to your belt inside your pants.
Show your audience that there are no hidden devices involved in your proposed levitation, only magic, by dramatically raising your hands up to the sky then sweeping them down to the ground.
Grab the pipe or block inside your pants as you sweep your hands to the ground and pull the pipe or block to the ground behind your feet.
Stand very slightly on your toes as you begin to quiver with the concentration needed to levitate.
Place the heel of your dominant foot on the pipe or block. Raise your toes off the ground and appear to levitate.
Fall back to earth with a surprised thud when you slip off the block or pipe and retract it back up your pant leg.
Pull up your sleeves to show you had nothing hidden there. Pull up both pant legs to show you had nothing hidden there either.