In a 1981 stadium show, Bob Chandler, considered the father of monster truck racing, was the first ever to crush a car with his modified monster truck.
Monster Truck Racing Association
The Monster Truck Racing Association is the governing body of major monster truck promotions and events. The Monster Truck Racing Association has established rules pertaining to monster truck racing and events, inspection sheet requirements and membership categories.
MTRA Awards
The Monster Truck Racing Association hands out yearly awards to the top monster truck drivers in a number of categories, including Driver of the Year, Truck of the Year, Rookie of the Year and others.
Popular Trucks
Over the years a number of monster trucks have developed considerable followings. Monster trucks such as Grave Digger, Bigfoot, Executioner and Rampage are among the most popular monster trucks. There is no exact estimate for the size of the fan base, but shows featuring these popular monster trucks routinely sell out venues that seat tens of thousands of people.
There are a number of monster truck events that take place all across the country during certain parts of the year. Information on shows in various locations locations can be found on the Internet.