Things You'll Need
Avoid cornering the skunk. If a skunk has taken up residence below your deck, for instance, then it would be a bad idea to corner the skunk beneath the deck. Instead, wait until the skunk is in the open.
Use the flashlight to spot the skunk. Most skunks are active at dusk and at night, and their black fur can help to further disguise them, so a flashlight is helpful.
Approach the skunk slowly, once it is in the open, talking in a strong, confident voice. Do not make any big, sudden movements.
Block off any areas around the house where skunks are taking up residence. Scaring them away may not be enough to convince them to find another place to sleep during the day. Be sure, however, that there are no skunks in the area being closed off. Young skunks, for instance, may remain in a den from April through August.
Scatter moth balls in and around places where skunks have been seen to repel them, and discourage them from coming back. Liquid ammonia in a shallow pan is also useful for repelling skunks, as is a bright light installed in places where they have been making dens.