1-2-3 Rule
A newborn equine should be able to perform certain tasks in the first three hours of life. A healthy foal will stand up within an hour, begin nursing from the mare within two hours, and pass its first feces within three hours. If he can't or won't do these things, call a veterinarian.
IgG Test
Immunoglobulin is a protein produced by immune system cells. It provides the bloodstream with defense against infectious diseases, bacteria and toxins. In a healthy mare, immunoglobulin will be secreted post-birth into the first milk received by the newborn equine. A blood test should be performed 16 hours after birth to ensure the completed transfer of this protein to the foal, as its immune system will not function without it.
Naval Infections
To prevent infection on the sensitive underside of a newborn foal, he should be dipped several times daily in a betadine solution for the first few days of his life. A report by Robert Oglesby for "Horsetalk" says recent scientific studies show a decrease in naval infections when dipped in a mixture of one part Chlorhexidine (brand name Nolvasan) and three parts water.
A newborn foal should suckle about 30 times a day, taking in about 12 percent to 20 percent of his body weight in milk. The foal should nurse naturally, if possible, and never be force fed through syringes or improper bottle feeding. Increased pressure in the lungs can lead to aspiration pneumonia, which the young foal's immune system is not equipped to battle.