When a person talks about "parts per" in terms of a measurement, it refers to a concentration of a material within another substance. For example, one part per million means there is one part of solution "A" within one million parts of solution "B." This is a common type of measurement in liquids, such as water, and is useful in knowing the overall amount of a substance within very large quantities of another material. Ocean water, for example, has about 35,000 parts per million of salt concentration. Converting parts per milliliter, or PPML, to parts per million, or PPM, requires a simple equation.
Identify the amount of parts per milliliter that you want to convert to parts per million.
Enter the amount of parts per milliliter into a calculator or written equation.
Multiply the parts per milliliter by 1,000. The resulting number is the same amount in terms of parts per million. For example, if the parts per milliliter is .01, then the amount is also 10 parts per million.