Things You'll Need
Calibrate the harmonic diode tags with the radar system to make sure the tags respond properly when pinged. Test the tags and radar system before attaching to birds.
Observe the birds you will be tracking to determine their regular daily movements. Note the regular daily travel patterns of the birds to determine the best location to set up nets.
Set up nets, such as mist nets, in your selected location. Set up the nets before you expect the birds to move through the area. Allow time for setting up the nets as well as getting any staff and volunteers in place.
Wait for birds to enter the nets, then carefully remove trapped birds. Release any birds that are not part of your study.
Attach harmonic diode tags to the bird's foot using a tagging tool. Be careful not injure the birds and avoid damaging the tag when attaching it .
Use the radar system to track the movement of the tagged birds by pinging birds at specified times during the study and noting the movement of the birds. When tracking tagged birds, it is a good idea to keep track of the movement of birds without tags as well in case there is any difference in behavior between the birds with tags and those without tags.