Hobbies And Interests

Information About the Tent Web Spider

More than 40,000 species of spider live on Earth, each with its own set of unusual physical traits and habits. One particularly fascinating type of spider is the tent-web. It gets its name from the shape of its web, but several other characteristics and behaviors set the tent-web spider apart from other types.
  1. Scientific Classification

    • Tent-web spiders belong to the genus Cyrtophora. There are more than 50 species of tent-web spiders, some of which have subspecies. Most of them live in Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands. Tent-web spiders belong to the family Araneidae (orb-web spiders), even though they do not build orb-shaped webs.

    Body Size and Shape

    • Tent-web spiders vary widely in body shape. Some species, such as the double-tailed tent spider, have a very wide abdomen, giving the spider a round shape. Other species, such as Tropica tent-web spider, are more slender and narrow. Tent-web spiders range from a few millimeters to 2 inches in length.

    Their Webs

    • The tent-like webs are very complex structures and markedly different from the more traditional, lacy, orb webs that many other spiders make. Tent-web spiders do not produce the sticky silk that is characteristic of other spiders and effective in immobilizing prey. Instead, they build elaborate, slick, tent-shaped webs that have openings through which insects and other prey may fall, allowing the spider to pounce on and consume them. Many times, the prey is able to escape by quickly crawling or flying out of the web.

    Other Behaviors

    • Tent-web spiders are generally non-aggressive and non-venomous. They typically live in colonies. Some species are able to change color rapidly, similar to chameleons. Tent-webs are primarily insectivorous, though some are omnivores. Many species will flee from large predators or play dead when attacked. Tent-web spiders are largely nocturnal. .

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