Remove the mother cow from other cattle and place her in a quiet, sheltered spot. This will allow her not only time to recover in peace, but it will be easier for you to closely monitor her behavior and make the appropriate decisions regarding her health.
Watch the mother cow carefully for complications with the placenta once the calf has been aborted. It is common for the heifer to have trouble expelling the placenta after losing a calf. Once the placenta has been passed, remove it so the cow cannot eat it.
Check for any visible protrusions from the cow's vagina. If the birth was long and difficult, it is not uncommon that the cow will have a prolapsed uterus. Watch closely for signs of this throughout the 12 hours following the birth. If you see signs of a prolapsed uterus, call a veterinarian immediately. The cow is in danger of bleeding to death in such a condition.
Relieve the cow of her milk that will no longer be needed to feed the calf. Ask your veterinarian for medicine to dry up the milk if you choose not to milk her yourself.
Check with a veterinarian after a cow has lost a calf. Even if after careful monitoring you do not detect complications, the veterinarian may still want to give the cow antibiotics as a precaution.