Hobbies And Interests

Behavioral Traits of Dwarf Albino Bunnies

Dwarf albino rabbits were born with mutations. It produced their albino look with white coat and red eyes. None of the behavior characteristics these animals show can be attributed to their appearance. All dwarf albino rabbits share the same common behaviors associated with all rabbit breeds in general. Factors such as their environment and previous physical abuse from humans may contribute to their aggressive outbursts.
  1. Fear Based Aggression

    • Rabbit aggression towards humans may stem from fear. Rabbits become comfortable with humans only after learning that interactions with them are safe, and does not lead to distress or pain. Fearful rabbits can react in several different ways. They can run away, stand still, or attack. Although scratching and biting a person is intense, the motivation is fear. It is possible to modify their aggressive behavior.

    Sexually Motivated Behaviors

    • An albino dwarf rabbit can show sexually motivated behavior which includes spraying urine, mounting, and digging. These animals may also use their droppings to mark territory. Some female dwarfs experience false pregnancies and become aggressive. One of the best ways to control this behavior is to spay or neuter them.

    Content With Children

    • While some rabbit owners report their pets are miserable with children, others seem to disagree. As long as rabbits know they are in a safe environment and kids do not harm them, rabbits can be content with children. In turn, it benefits the children too. Kids learn more about the rabbit species during the positive interactions with them. The rabbit's acceptance of the interaction with children stems from a peaceful attitude and experience with being handled by kids. Children should always be supervised when playing with small animals as they can harm the animal by gripping it too hard or tossing it too forcefully.

    Shows Affection

    • Owners of albino dwarf bunnies report lots of communication and affection from their pet. Rabbits hop and sprint to express joy. They also nudge owners to show they need attention. Every rabbit has an individual nature. Many of the rabbits can be shy and prefer to show less open displays of affection.

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