Consider the season you will turn your hogs out into the pasture. In most cases you should rotate the pastures you use for raising pigs. A variety of crops serve as effective pasture, according to the aforementioned studies, and -- as could be expected -- some crops work better in one season or another. Rye is extremely versatile; even in situations where it might not be the most effective, its pasturage is both hardy and productive fodder in every season. Different strains of rye are better suited to one season or another. Chose a winter-hardy fall rye such as Musketeer, Prima, AC Rifle, AC Remington, Dakota or Hazlet. Seed fall rye at 55 to 110 lbs. per acre. Seed rye used for spring pasturage in the fall.
Plan your acreage use so that you can rotate the pastures and allow them to rest. Elements to consider are size and age of the pigs. In March and April, 1 acre of rye pasture will support approximately 100 spring-born pigs and their sows. As the young pigs age, they create greater demands on the pasturage.
Plan what supplemental feed you are going to give to your pigs. Rye pasturage does not provide sufficient protein and carbohydrates to support pigs, but one of the benefits of rye pasturage over dry lots is that rye provides additional nutrients, allowing reduced quantity and quality of bulk feed.
Train your pigs to respect electric fences. Consult your veterinarian about specific advice accurate for your herd and location. There are several portable electric fences available that easily allow you to "hog off" crop land after harvest. This practice benefits the fields as well as the pigs since the pigs remove some weeds along with the gleanings, loosen the soil and provide fertilizer.