Damselfish are primarily marine fish, meaning they live in the ocean and other saltwater bodies. However, there are also some species that live in the freshwater found at the base of rivers close to saltwater locations. Many damselfish species are found to inhabit tropical coral reefs. More rarely, certain damselfish species live in temperate climates, such as those found along the Pacific coast of North America.
Various types of damselfish are some of the most popular domestic fish to keep as pets. This is due to the abundance of damselfish specimens, as well as their ability to adapt to aquarium environments. Often, damselfish are used as introductory fish for a new aquarium tank. Since the damselfish is able to survive harsh conditions of new aquarium water, they are able to provide essential bacteria which stabilizes the water. This makes it safer to introduce other, more sensitive fish species to the tank.
Size and Color
Different species of damselfish feature numerous colors. Those found in tropical reef locations are especially colorful. The colorful appearance of the various tropical species makes them especially popular to be bred for domestic use. In general, damselfish species are relatively small, averaging around a couple inches in length. However, there are a few species that can reach up to 12 inches in length, such as the Cortez damsel.
Damselfish are especially adaptable to different, even harsh, environments. Damselfish are sometimes considered a beginner's fish for domestic hobbyists due to their ability to survive off of almost any fish food in relatively harsh water conditions. In fact, along with the clownfish, the damselfish is the only fish species that is immune to the toxin produced by sea anemones. In their natural habitat, damselfish can sometimes be found to hide in the tentacles of anemones in order to hide from predators. This resilience makes them abundant in nature and easy to handle as pets.