Jellyfish reproduce both sexually through copulation and asexually through spawning. The most common method of reproduction is when the eggs and sperm are released by the mature jellyfish and mingle in the water. These will form larvae, called planulae, beginning a gestation period that usually lasts no longer than a few days.
Planulae to Polyp
A jellyfish planula begins its life as a simple oval shape floating on the water`s surface. Eventually it will sink and look for a solid surface to cling to as it matures. Once the planula adheres to a firm object it will become a polyp. The oval body will become a cup shape crowned with a small mouth, looking more like a sea anemone than a jellyfish. It feeds on microscopic plankton until it starts the budding process.
At this stage the polyp literally starts to bud, meaning that through a process of asexual reproduction it will start to grow more polyps from the middle of its body. These different polyps will be joined by feeding tubes. More will emerge and an entire stationary colony will grow from a single polyp. During this stage of gestation the polyp will also be evaluating the conditions of the surrounding environment to ensure that it is appropriate for the baby jellyfish.
Baby Jellyfish
Not every polyp becomes a baby jellyfish. If the surrounding environment is not favorable during this stage, the polyp can extend this part of its gestation for a long time. This can be years or even decades. When the conditions are right, the polyp colony will release thousands of baby jellyfish. These baby jellyfish will eventually grow into medusas, or mature jellyfish, and begin the cycle again.