Hobbies And Interests

How to Deter Wolves

Wolves want to avoid humans just as much as humans want to avoid wolves. They only approach homes in search of food, since most pet or livestock owners contain the animals near their residence. There are some guidelines to discourage wolves from nearing your home or animals. If you make it difficult or impossible to acquire food on your property, wolves are less likely to return in the future.


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      Build a tall fence around any property where livestock or pets roam. A successful fence can be comprised of two or more materials, such as a tall barbed wire fence with an electrical shock component. The harder it is to get to food, the less interested wolves will be in trying repeatedly to access it..

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      Keep medium to large sized domestic dogs around the perimeter. Though most people would not expect a domestic dog to fare well against a wolf, wolves actually want to avoid any contact or confrontation when possible. Just knowing that another canine is in the area may help encourage a wolf to look for food elsewhere.

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      Vary the locations of where you take your animals, when out of the fenced area. Wolves are intelligent enough to remember basic habits and patterns of potential prey. If you take animals out to graze and visit the same watering hole every time, the wolves will remember your destination. Take the animals to one of several different places when you are away from fenced protection.

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      Dispose of dead or dying animals in and near your property. Do not otherwise allow potential wolf food to sit out in the open. Discard all food remnants, especially meat, in areas where wolves can find them. This is particularly important during hiking or camping.

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      Bang pots and pans, scream, shout and make a general scene if you see wolves approaching. They do not want to come in contact with humans, especially if you catch them off-guard with loud, jarring noise.

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