Genus Agrionemys
The tortoises of Central Asia fall within the Agrionemys genus. The six species within the genus Agrionemys are Horsefield's Tortoise, Russian Steppe, Fergina Valley Steppe, Kazakhstan Steppe, Turkmenistan Steppe, Kopet-Dag Steppe and Mongolian Steppe tortoises.
Genera Aldabrachelys and Astrochelys
The four giant tortoises of the Seychelles archipelago fall within the genus Aldabrachelys, namely the Aldabra Giant, Arnold's Giant, Daudin's Giant and Seychelle Giant. Genus Astrochelys consists of the highly endangered radiated tortoises of Africa: the Radiated Tortoise and Plowshare or Angulated Tortoise.
Genus Chelonoidis
South American Tortoises are classified as Chelonoidis, and there are 10 tortoise species within this genus: red-foot, yellow-foot, giant, Charles Island giant, Abingdon Island giant, vulcan wolf giant, Chatham Island giant, James Island giant, Duncan Island giant, Hood Island giant, Narborough Island giant, Indefatigable Island giant and Isabela Island giant.
Genera Centrochelys, Chersina, Chersine and Geochelone
Genera Centrochelys and Chersina each have one species within them, while genera Chersine and Geochelone each have two. The Sulcate or African spurred tortoise falls within genus Centrochelys. The Bowsprit tortoise is under the genus Chersina. The two Hermann's tortoises -- the Eastern and Western species -- are classified as genus Chersine. Genus Geochelone consists of the Indian star and Burmese star species.
Genera Gopherus and Homopus
The endangered gopher tortoises are classified as genus Gopherus, of which there are four species: the desert, Texas, Bolson and gopher. Africa's cape tortoises fall within genus Homopus, which consists of five species: the parrot-beaked cape, Boulenger's cape, Karroo cape, speckled cape and nama tortoise.
Genera Kinixys and Manouria
Africa's six threatened hinge-back tortoise species are classified as genus Kinixys. The hinge-back tortoises are Bell's, serrated, Home's, Lobatse, Speke's and Natal species. Indochina's tortoises are classified as genus Manouria, which consists of impressed tortoise and the two subspecies of Asian giant tortoise -- the Asian brown giant and Burmese black giant.
Genera Psammobates, Pyxis and Stigmochelys
There are three species of South African star tortoises are classified as genus Psammobates: the Geometric, Serrated Star and African Tent tortoises. The two critically endangered species of African spider tortoises fall within the genus Pyxis: the Madagascan flat-tailed tortoise and spider tortoise. Africa's leopard tortoises are classified as genus Stigmochelys, of which there are two sub-species, the northern or common leopard tortoise and the southern leopard tortoise.
Genus Testudo
The Paleartic or Mediterranean Tortoises fall within the genus Testudo, which consists of three species. The marginated, Egyptian and Greek tortoise species are classified within this genus. There are 10 subspecies of Greek tortoises: the Mediterranean spur-thighed, Araxes, Buxton's, Cyrenanican spur-thighed, Asia Minor, Morocco, Nabeul, Valley, Mesopotamian and Iranian tortoises.