The daring jumping spider is a large one that grows up to 3/4-inches. Its black body is covered with small tufts of hair, and it has a distinct spot on the center of the abdomen. The spot is often red to orange in juveniles, but fades to white as the spider matures. Their chewing mouth parts that contain the fangs -- called chelicerae -- are iridescent and green.
Habitat and Range
The daring jumping spider is a common species throughout North America. It prefers open areas with plenty of sunshine where they can easily hunt down prey. Daring jumping spiders are a grassland species often around in residential areas in Missouri since they thrive in turfgrass lawns and home gardens.
Hunting Behavior
Jumping spiders do not construct webs to capture their prey. They use their excellent eyesight and fast speed to hunt down small insects in the open. However, daring jumping spiders do produce and use silk when hunting. Before pouncing onto a passing insect, the spider attaches a strand of silk to a plant, rock or tree branch to use as an anchor in case the spider misses its prey. Daring jumping spiders are bold hunters who will not hesitate to try to capture flying insects from the air, hence their common name.
Daring jumping spiders are highly beneficial predators in the wild. They play an integral role controlling many insect pests in agricultural fields as well as around home gardens. Due to their diurnal hunting nature, daring jumping spiders often cross paths with humans in Missouri. While jumping spiders, like all spiders, are venomous, these are not aggressive and will only bite if persistently provoked. Jumping spider bites are not dangerous; they rarely result in more than slight swelling around the bite location.