Plaster Casts
Plaster works well for casting in mud and wet sand. To cast in snow, or dust, spray a fine mist of water in first to stabilize the track before pouring the plaster in. To make a cast of a track with plaster, mix the plaster dust with water to the consistency of pancake batter. Using cardboard or a greased form (a springform pan works well for large tracks) create a barrier around the track before beginning to pour. As you pour, break the fall of the plaster with your mixing implement. Allow the plaster to harden for at least 30 minutes, then remove and rinse off any mud or debris. Do not store in plastic, as that will hinder the curing process. Plaster casts that will be used as art pieces can have a picture hanger or a piece of wire inserted into the back while still wet to allow hanging.
Wax Casting
Wax casts can only be done in mud or wet sands. Melt the wax, then drizzle into the track. Do this slowly, building up a layer at a time. Be careful to store your wax casts out of the sun and heat, as they can warp easily.
Latex Casts
Latex is a very useful casting material as it is flexible and will not break. The finished casts can also be used to create positive plaster casts that mimic the original track, only slightly larger. It may be the best material for casting in snow as it is worked in thin layers which will not melt the track as much. Make liquid latex casts by pouring a small amount into the track at a time, using a small paintbrush if necessary to spread the latex evenly. Repeat every few minutes until the track fills, with small overlap for handling. Allow to cure for 30 minutes and remove to clean.
Alginate Casts
Alginate is a dental filling material that can be obtained cheaply through wholesale suppliers. Mix according to the directions by adding the powdered and water to a plastic bag and squeezing. A small corner cut off the bag allows the alginate to be piped into the track like decorating a cake. These casts dry flexible and are durable to use for recreating the tracks into other mediums such as pottery or cement.