Wild Plants
Woodchucks are primarily herbivores that feed on several types of grasses and weeds in the wild. Woodchucks prefer to feed on dark-leaved plants; such as clover, dandelions, goldenrod and alfalfa. They have a voracious appetite and can eat 1.5 pounds of greens each day, foraging for food in the early morning or late afternoon.
Woodchucks occasionally hunt for other animals to supplement their diet. They are opportunistic hunters and will eat bird eggs, grasshoppers, crickets, June bugs and other large invertebrates that they come across while foraging. Animals account for less that one percent of the woodchuck's overall diet, according to the State University of New York.
Seasonal Foods
After emerging from winter hibernation in early spring, woodchucks strip and eat the bark of sapling deciduous trees. Through the summer they feed on fruits -- such as berries, cherries and apples -- as they fall to the ground.
Agricultural Plants
Woodchucks in urban areas and those that live near agricultural fields are considered serious pests -- due to their preference to feed on garden crops; such as beans, carrots, lettuce, corn and peas -- over their natural diet. Woodchucks can be very difficult to control, and if left unattended, can decimate large gardens in addition to damaging the landscape with their burrowing habits.