Attacking Their Prey
Although famed for their attacks and much feared by humans, red piranhas rarely attack man. Records of attacks are difficult to find. According to researchers Vidal Haddad, Jr. and Ivan Sazima, those attacks that are documented include attacks on corpses from other causes. Experts at the Georgia Aquarium note that red piranhas respond to blood in the water, which prompts their assaults. However, scientists also believe that splashing and movements in the water attract piranhas to their prey.
Size, Color and Feeding Habits
The adult red piranha can be as large as 16 inches and weigh nearly 5 pounds. The skin is red with a silvery tint, and the head is perpendicular with a small mouth. Although notorious for the way that it attacks larger fish or other prey, red piranhas also eat worms, snails and other small creatures. They favor overhanging vegetation and dense foliage so that they can wait silently in the shadows for an unsuspecting potential meal to come within range.
As Prey Themselves
Red piranhas are not at the top of the food chain. They are eaten by quite a wide range of predators, including some large birds, larger fish, alligators and big mammals, such as jaguars. They are also eaten by humans and are a popular dish throughout South America. They are even used as bait by some fishermen in search of bigger fish.
As Pets
If you are considering keeping one red piranha or a few as a pet, you should think twice about your reasons. If it is because of their reputation and as something that you want to show off by demonstrating their prowess, you should not buy one. Red piranhas are the most abused fish pets after goldfish. One common form of abuse is to starve them so that the feeding frenzy, when they are fed, is particularly ferocious. They can be given limited types of live food, for example, goldfish or other fish. According to, a 100-gallon tank is recommended for an adult red piranha. The water should be changed regularly and the water temperature kept warm and constant, ideally between 76 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. If you are going to keep other fish or more than one piranha, take some advice first from a pet shop that stocks red piranha.