Educate people in local villages and towns near the black leopard's habitat about the economic benefits that can be reaped by preserving its habitat. The No. 1 danger facing black leopards in Southeast Asia is loss of habitat. In Peru, local people were educated about the need to preserve the habitat of the spatuletail hummingbird. They bought into the project and now bird lovers come from all over the world to visit and see this beautiful bird. Visitors spend money at local lodges, eat local food, and buy local souvenirs. The same model can be employed for the black leopard and other endangered species as well.
Stop the poaching. This is an incredibly difficult task and many of the world's endangered species suffer from this problem. Some countries in Africa actually have armed patrols attempting to safeguard animals. Most game parks are so vast, however, that it is difficult to patrol each area. Education of local people, such as in Step 1, is another strategy. Teach locals there is more money to be made in the long term by keeping the leopards alive than there is in killing them for a short-term profit. Most poachers are poor local villagers who need the money they get from selling the skins or animal parts to illegal traders.
Gather knowledge about black leopards and their plight, which is essential in saving them. This is difficult because these cats are incredibly shy and secretive. One Thai researcher has spent three years in Khao Yai National Park in Thailand tracking black leopards and has yet to see one. In order to identify strategies to save leopards, more knowledge is needed on their habitat, breeding patterns, and feeding habits.
Donate to a charity that is involved in saving the black leopard. It costs money to stop poaching, educate locals, and research the leopard's habits. World Wildlife Fund is a well-respected international organization. Wild Aid Thailand is an organization committed to stopping the illegal trading of leopards. There are also efforts to breed the leopard in captivity.
Raise awareness of the problem. Join the "Save the Leopard" facebook page. Sign petitions against the illegal trade and poaching. Pressure needs to be put on governments to strictly enforce a ban on the trading of leopard skins and animal parts.