Preventative Methods
The best way to keep wasps and hornets out of your home is to prevent them from ever entering. Seal all cracks and holes in the walls and foundation of your home to keep insects out. Check the screens on windows and doors for any holes that may need to be patched. Keep doors and windows closed to the outdoors, especially during summer months. To discourage wasps and hornets from building nests outside your home, hang decoy nests in your yard and plant wormwood and citronella, which are plants that repel hornets. Avoid using chemical substances in your yard that would discourage the natural predators of hornets and wasps, such as birds and spiders, from taking up residence.
Nests Outside the Home
If you discover a hornet or wasp nest near your home, it is best to wait to remove it until the fall season, when the hornets and wasps will be less active. Until removal, avoid the area as much as possible so the hornets and wasps will not be provoked into aggression. In the fall, you can use a saw to take down the nest. This will keep the hibernating hornets from returning to the nest. When approaching a nest for removal, use a smoker to calm any hornets that may still reside in the nest.
Nests Inside the Home
If you suspect a hornet or wasp has built a nest inside your home, wear protective gear in order to find it. Put on gloves and many layers of thick clothes. If you find a nest in your house, avoid aggravating the hornets or wasps. Give the nest plenty of distance and call a professional to help you remove the nest.
Individual Wasp or Hornet Removal
A single wasp or hornet is less of a threat than an entire nest, but can still be a nuisance when found inside the house. An easy and natural way of removing an individual wasp or hornet is to trap it with a cup and stiff piece of paper or cardboard. Simply take the trapped insect outside and release it into the wild. Alternatively, commercial traps are available for purchase at most outdoor stores, though many of these traps will kill the insect.