Regularly clean out the goat stalls of all feces. No amount of Probios or medication is going to help if the organism continues to be passed on through fecal material in feed, water and other areas. If possible, expose the stall areas to as much sunlight as possible as the UV rays kill the eggs and parasites that hatch from the eggs. UV lighting can be used if the stalls have no access to sunlight.
Wean the kid goats with their mothers for the first three weeks of life. The antibody rich colostrum produced by the mother goat after the kid is born will help pass immunities to Coccidia to the kid. Unfortunately, if you are raising goats for dairy, this is not an option and you must feed the kid a milk replacement. A kid cannot be feeding on the same goat you are getting dairy from.
Fill the kid's feeder bottle with a mix of 1 1/2 tablespoons of Di-Methox, called a coccidiostat, with 1 1/2 tablespoons of water. Repeat this dosage every day for five days. Di-Methox is the medicine that kills the Coccidia. Unfortunately, the symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting may reduce the effectiveness of the medication as the kid won't be able to digest it. A bad side effect of Di-Methox is that in addition to killing the bad bacteria helping the Coccidia, it also kills the good bacteria that aids in digestion for the sick goat.
Supply a good amount of electrolyte replacements for the kids experiencing severe bouts of diarrhea and vomiting. Electrolyte replacements will help keep the kid hydrated while the coccidiostat is working.
Add Probios to a food source or place directly into bottle and hand feed the kid. The Probios adds good bacteria to the kid's digestive tract in the same way yogurt adds living cultured organism to a human's digestive system. Probios is specifically geared to help get the rumen, or lower digestive tract working again. The Probios should be administered the day after the regimen with Di-Methox is done.