Hobbies And Interests

How to Flay a Catfish

To flay a fish is the process of removing the skin. For humane purposes and necessary safety, you should only flay a fish after it is dead. By flaying a catfish, you are preparing it to be cooked. The process involves removing the head, tail, skin, bones and fins from the fish. Use care when handling and flaying a catfish, as the rigid fins can easily cut through your skin. Additionally, catfish bones are noticeably smaller than other fish and require additional attention to remove them.

Things You'll Need

  • Ice
  • Cooler
  • Filleting knife
  • Skinning board
  • Hand clamps
  • Butcher knife
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    • 1

      Place the catfish in a cooler and cover them with ice, as you catch them, to stiffen their bodies and make them easier to flay. Leave the fish under ice while you enjoy the rest of your fishing day. If you want to wait until morning to flay your catch, leave the fish under ice overnight.

    • 2

      Cut the tail off of the fish prior to beginning the flaying process and watch its fins and gills to make sure that it is dead. If your fish is still alive, use a claw hammer and strike the fish between the eyes to kill it. Flaying a living catfish can be dangerous for you and it is inhumane for the fish.

    • 3

      Use your filleting knife to cut the skin around its head and the gills, remove the gills from your catfish. Cut the skin around your fish's frame, taking care not to puncture or cut any of the internal organs. Avoid cutting too deep. Remove the internal organs of your fish and push them to the side. Continue cutting around the entire length of your fish.

    • 4

      Raise the first fin away from the body with a pair of pliers, and cut it off with your filleting knife. Dispose of these in a safe place where children and animals will not get to them. Repeat this process with the other fins until they are all off of your fish.

    • 5

      Affix the fish to the cutting board with a pair of clamps. Use pliers to peal the skin away from the fish, starting at its head and working down the length of your fish. Move slowly as you work to avoid breaking the skin or damaging the meat underneath. Repeat this process with the skin on the other side of your fish as well.

    • 6

      Use a butcher knife to cut the head off the fish once you have finished skinning it. Dispose of the head, tail, skin and inner organs safely.

    • 7

      Start at the catfish's tail and make a long cut, with the fillet knife, from its tail to its head and just over its ribs on the side. Make this cut on both sides of the fish. Remove the bones with your hands. Place the fish in an airtight container and refrigerate it until you are ready to cook it. Freeze it if you do not intend to cook it soon.

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