Cage Environment
Acquiring a male weaned lorikeet can be the best option for those looking to own one as a pet. The larger ones of the species tend to be raucous and difficult to manage -- squawking most of the time and gabbling while feeding. Keeping its cage insulated from extreme temperature drops or sudden gusts of air -- as well as keeping lots of toys -- may help to keep the bird's temper under control.
Essential Needs
You should always keep a nesting box in a rainbow lorikeet's cage even if it's not breeding season. Lorikeets eat a variety of food, but it usually consists of organic fruit and vegetables, flowers, oats and honey. Ensuring that it gets supplements can also be effective in keeping it lively and active. If you plan on letting the bird out of its cage, remember to clip its wings so it won't be able to fly away.
You can tame lorikeets in several ways. One way is by staring. Start by sitting or standing about half a meter away from the cage. Move a little closer everyday and avoid quick movements. Once you're near the cage, open the door and let your hand linger there for a few minutes. Repeat the process until you can touch your lorikeet. Start with touching its feet a little each time and offer rewards when it doesn't panic. Remember that these birds can bite, so ensure that you are taking precautions and moving slowly so you won't frighten it.
Hygiene and Learning Tricks
Rainbow lorikeets bathe on their own; however, a caged rainbow lorikeet needs to get accustomed with a water dish first before it takes a bath. Put the water dish inside the bird's cage and leave it for a day or two. Once the bird becomes familiarized with the dish, give it a gentle shove and positive reinforcements to go towards the dish. Pretty soon, the bird will hop into the water. Remember to reward it for any and all steps it takes while teaching it to bathe. Once it gets used to the idea that a treat is forthcoming after its bath, the lorikeet will assume the habit as routine. This type of training style -- introducing a foreign object in a gradual manner and reinforcing each positive action -- is also applicable when you want to teach your lorikeet new tricks or skills.