Lobsters inhabit most saltwater bodies, specifically seas and oceans. Crawfish, however, live in freshwater habitats such as lakes, rivers, ponds and creeks, particularly in North America, Asia, Europe and Australia. Traditionally, crawfish are eaten by people in South America, Peru and Australia, while lobsters are traditional to France and the Netherlands. Their different habitats contributes to their separate classifications; while they are both crustaceans, crawfish are part of the super family of Parastacoidea and Astacoidea; lobsters are members of the Nephropidae or Homaraidae family.
Size and Appearance
Crawfish are much shorter than the average lobster. Crawfish grow to between 4 and 6 inches, while lobsters reach an average of 8 to 10 inches. Lobsters found in the wild can grow several inches larger. Crawfish sometimes have pink dots along their shell, while lobsters do not. Lobsters are usually only blue or copper, due to blue blood that contains copper and haemocyanin. Crawfish come in brown, black, red, pink, blue, purple and gray.
Lobsters can be cannibalistic when they feel threatened or lack food. When they molt, lobsters will often eat their own skin. Crawfish, however, don't eat their own skin or their own kind, though they eat dead animals and plants, as well as live ones. Lobsters only eat live animals and plants.
Crawfish were worshiped by the ancient Moche people of Peru. This group often praised animals and crawfish were depicted in much of their art. Lobsters, however, are depicted only as a food source by people in Europe and they were prized by aristocratic families and royalty in France and the Netherlands.
Both the crawfish and lobster have appendages that are used for swimming. The appendages are attached to their abdomens, which consist of segmented stacks. Their long tail and antennas are also similar. The strength of the crawfish's and lobsters' claws are approximately the same compared to their body weight. Their eyes are compound. Both are considered cephalothorax, which means they have no neck.