Sarcoptic and Notoedric Mange
In squirrels with sarcoptic mange, their skin wrinkles and thickens. A crust forms on the skin and scabs appear. The fur thins and falls out. When an animal has notoedric mange, the hair loss first appears over the shoulders and chest and progresses to the rest of the body. The body can end up bare. Squirrels with this type of mange have no crusty formation on their skin.
How Mites Operate
The mites hold onto their hosts using the small suckers on their legs. Once the female mite has mated, she burrows into the skin of her host. Mites use their front legs and jaws to cut into the skin and then tunnel into the top layer of skin. Mites lay their eggs in the skin, two or three eggs every day for up to 60 days. When the eggs hatch, the larvae exit the burrow and get on the surface of the host's skin, where they eat skin cells.
When a squirrel is infested, mange results because the animal is allergic to a substance that comes from the mite's body. A reaction occurs and the animal experiences extreme itchiness. The animal will scratch incessantly, which results in open wounds that can become infected by bacteria. Bald patches appear and when the wounds get infected, it can cause a smelly crust to form over the affected areas. Blindness can occur as well as difficulty eating and impaired hearing. When an animal loses all of its hair due to mange, it loses protection from the elements and can die because it no longer possesses insulating fur.
Weight Loss
Mange causes weight lost because the squirrel either doesn't feel like eating or doesn't have the energy to search for food. Impaired vision can also affect its ability to secure food.
With sarcoptic mange, the mites can spread from their host to another animal when the two animals come into contact with each other.