A community aquarium combines a large group of aquatic plants and animals. A community aquarium may be saltwater or freshwater and set at a certain temperature. As long as the animals and plants live in that specific environment, they should be able to survive in the tank, even if they do not come from the same part of the world. This allows you to create an aquarium with many different types of fish.
A specialist aquarium focuses on a specific species. A specialist aquarium is useful for species that may not live well with other types of fish. This includes carnivorous fish like piranhas or territorial fish like bettas. These aquariums may have only one fish or a small number of fish, in addition to a variety of decorative plants.
Habitat Re-Creation
Habitat re-creations are a microcosm of an existing aquatic environment. In a habitat re-creation, the aquarium contains plants and animals only from a specific water habitat. Aquariums may re-create lakes such as Lake Victoria or environments such as the Florida everglades or Louisiana swamps. In this aquarium system, all fish and plants in the system are native to the particular habitat.
An aquaterrarium incorporates fish as well as land-based species. This type of structure may be especially useful for outdoor aquariums or for larger aquarium structures. These aquariums have an aquatic component with fish and water-based plants as well as a land component that, depending on the setup, may have plants, amphibians or land-based animals.