Small Animals
Many types of small animals to thrive in and around Lewisville, Texas. The most common ones are rats, mice, moles and squirrels. The rats and mice are especially pesky; they can take up residence in your home and cause all sorts of problems. Moles won't move into your home, but they cause problems of their own with the tunnels they dig in the earth. Squirrels will empty your bird feeders and chew their way into your house to find a new nesting place.
Larger Animals
Wild animals around Lewisville that are larger than squirrels include opossums, raccoons, armadillos, groundhogs, skunks and beavers. You can also potentially run into bobcats, cougars and coyotes. To keep the majority of these animals away, make sure you dispose of your garbage properly. If you have food sources around your home that attract the creatures, they could become problematic and you will see them a lot more often. Feral hogs, the offspring of formerly domesticated pigs, are also spotted around Lewisville.
Flying Animals
Pigeons and bats are often seen flying around the Lewisville area. Pigeons are unafraid of people and have adjusted well to city life. They associate people with food, which explains why they are flocking all over Texas. Numerous types of bats are found in all areas of Texas. Though many people like bats because they get rid of pesky insects like mosquitoes, others aren't thrilled with the damage they can do. They can take up residence in your home where the overwhelming smell of their droppings is revolting. They also carry diseases.
Slithering Animals
Wild alligators and snakes are abundant in North Texas. The American alligator seems to be the most prevalent. They range between 6 and 14 feet long and are almost completely black from head to toe. They often blend in well with their environment and are spotted by their bright eyes. Many snakes call Texas home, including various water snakes, black-striped snakes, Louisiana pine snakes, green snakes, rattlesnakes, salt marsh snakes and indigo snakes.