Purchase a tank, otherwise known as terrarium. For an average sized lizard of about six or seven inches long, choose a terrarium of 20 gallons or more, per individual lizard. These tanks need to be large to allow for the correct temperature gradients to form around the basking area. The tank should also be equipped with under-tank heating in order to maintain the temperature of 86 degrees Fahrenheit during the day at about 70 degrees Fahrenheit at night.
Attach a medium wave UV light along the underside of the terrarium roof, along with a non white heat lamp. Run the cables of these lights out of the terrarium so they can be plugged in later. A 50 watt basking spot light bulb should also be installed, pointing to where the basking area will be.
Mix equal parts of washed sand and coconut fiber and spread this around the bottom of tank until the floor surface is covered to a depth of about 1.5 inches. In the basking area, place a large flat rock that will heat up under the lamp. In other places in the tank place small, stable rock structures which the lizards can burrow under or hide beneath at night or when they feel threatened.
Place an upright log or some vines in one corner of the tank to allow the lizard to climb on and hide in. This keeps your lizard happy and prevents him getting bored. Plug in your lamps and test that they work. The UV light needs to be turned on for at least 12 hours a day, as with the basking lamp. The heat lamp should be turned on at night.
Attach a thermometer and hygrometer to the inside of the tank in a position where the lizard cannot touch it and you can read the reading from the outside. Hygrometers measure the humidity of an area, this should be around 50% and 60%. Humidity can be raised by allowing water to evaporate within the unit or lowered by allowing humid air to escape from a vent.
Introduce your lizard to his environment. Remember to feed him and adjust the lighting of his environment every day.