Commerson's dolphins are one of the smallest species of dolphins in the world. Adult dolphins only grow up to 4.5 feet long and have a stout body that closely resembles a porpoise. They have distinctive color pattern that makes them easy to identify. Commerson's dolphins have black on their heads, fins, tails and small areas of their bellies; all other portions of their body are white. Males and females are easy to differentiate by looking at the black patterns on their bellies: males have a teardrop-shaped black patch while females have a round black pattern.
Commerson's dolphins are opportunistic hunters and feed on a wide range of marine life. The dolphins spend most of their time looking for food since they have a very high metabolic rate; an adult dolphin eats between 8 and 13 pounds of food each day -- more than bottlenose dolphins and killer whales. Shrimp and fish make up the majority of their diet, but the dolphins also feed on squid, algae and small invertebrates on the sea floor. Commerson's dolphins hunt for fish in cooperative groups near the shore as well as in open waters. Groups of 15 or more dolphins form a semicircle and drive fish toward the shallow waters near the shore where they are easily captured. In open water, smaller groups of dolphins surround schools of fish and take turns passing through the center of the school to grab a fish.
Commerson's dolphins are sexually mature when they are five to eight years old. The dolphins, which are usually solitary or in small herds, gather in larger numbers to mate from January to March. After mating, the gestation period is approximately 12 months. Newborn dolphins are born with a solid brown coloration. Juvenile dolphins develop their adult coloration as they approach sexual maturity.
Commerson's dolphins, like many dolphins, are highly active and playful animals. They can swim up to eight miles per hour and commonly surf on the bow or wake of boats at sea, in addition to large waves breaking along the coast and well as groundswells. Commerson's dolphins frequently jump out of the water with acrobatic leaps and occasionally swim upside down, which may help them see prey on the bottom of the sea.