Hobbies And Interests

Types Of Opossums

Opossums are a common marsupial and reside in several areas of the world. The animal originates in South America and is nocturnal, mostly emerging at night and living in darker habitats. According to the website Know Your Short-Tailed Opossum, they received their name, which came from a Cherokee Indian name for the animal, in 1612 when Captain John Smith settled with the Jamestown Colony in Virginia.
  1. About the Opossum

    • Opossums are arboreal, meaning they are tree dwellers.

      Opossums, or Possums as they are commonly called (though the two are different animals), are small to mid-sized brown or grey animals that thrive at night. They are omnivorous scavengers that tend to dwell in or around trees. The first toe on the hind foot of the opossum is opposable and the second and third toes are fused but for the claws, which are used for grooming and scavenging. There are many types of opossums spread over several continents.

    Opossum vs. Possum

    • The possum is similar in appearance only to the opossum.

      According to The National Opossum Society, there are more than 60 opossums from South America and more than 20 possums from Australia. The possum was discovered more than 100 years after the opossum and was described as a member of the opossum tribe based on its similar appearance. Biologically, however, they are not closely related. Their origin is separated by more than 70 million years and two continents.

    Common Opossums

    • The Virginia opossum is the largest opossum and lives in North America.

      The water opossum inhabits Southern Mexico and the northern part of Argentina. It has become highly adapted to life in the water, hence its name. The mouse opossums originated in South America and are mostly tree dwellers with long, slender tails. The Virginia opossum is the most common opossum known to those who live in the U.S. It is the only marsupial to live in North America. It is the largest opossum and was originally native to the eastern United States. During the Great Depression, it was introduced to the West as a source of food.

    Opossum Facts

    • Though possums generally live in trees, they are highly adaptable and can live anywhere with food, water and shelter.

      The opossum is the only marsupial living in North America. It is the size of a cat, with grey, brown or black fur. It has a pink nose, feet and tail. Opossums are slow moving and solitary creatures. They are scavengers, meaning they will eat whatever they can find, including cockroaches, garbage and other dead animals. Opossums have an incredibly short life span, most of the time only surviving for two to four years.

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