Things You'll Need
Scrape off all the fat and meat from the snakeskin, using your knife.
Pour equal parts of rubbing alcohol and pure glycerin in the container. Use enough to completely cover the snakeskin. Mix the alcohol and glycerin.
Submerge the snakeskin in the mixture and place the lid on the container.
Stir the alcohol and glycerin mixture once a day, making sure the snakeskin stays submerged. Leave the snakeskin in the closed container for three days.
Take the snakeskin out after three days and rinse it with cold water.
Scrape the snakeskin with a dull knife to remove any remaining membrane.
Apply a light coating of glycerin on the flesh side of the snakeskin and hang it up to dry.
Allow the snakeskin to dry for 24 hours, then wipe off any residue with a damp cloth.