Create a chick brooder by finding a large cardboard box and placing 3 to 4 inches of peat moss or dry wood shavings on the bottom. Newly hatched ducklings require approximately 6 square inches of brooder space, increasing to 12 square inches as they mature into adolescent ducks after three weeks. Plan the size of your brooder accordingly.
Set up a commercial brooder heater or a 250-watt brooder lamp to keep your ducklings warm. This size is sufficient for up to 25 ducklings.
Feed your ducklings non-medicated starter mash or crumbles with 20 to 22 percent protein for the first three weeks, then switch them to non-medicated mash, crumbles or pellets with 16 percent protein. Keep a bowl of water for your ducklings at all times. Ducks do not have teeth so they need to wash their food down with water.