The Largest Antlers in the World
Moose have the largest antlers in the world. Most moose have distinct leaf-shaped antlers, although some have antlers that grow in a twiglike formation. The antlers can measure as much as 6 feet across and weigh as much as 70 lbs. They are present mostly during mating season, after which they fall off so the moose can conserve energy during the winter. They grow back quickly, however. It takes only three to five months to grow a full set of antlers, making them among the fastest-growing animal parts.
Moose Diet
Like many hooved animals, moose are ruminants. This means that it has four stomachs that contain bacteria which ferment food eaten by the moose and convert it into energy. Moose are herbivores capable of eating many different kinds of plants and fruit. Moose get their name from the Algonkian word "mooswa," meaning "twig-eater." Naturally most of their diet consists of twigs, bark, leaves, shoots and aquatic plants. The average adult moose consumes about 9,770 calories every day to maintain its body weight.
Moose are Mostly Solitary Animals
Most moose are solitary animals, with the strongest bonds existing between mother and child. They tend to live and travel alone; groups of moose are rarely seen together except during the mating season that occurs during September and October. During mating season, males can mate with several females, and it is not uncommon for females to gather in harems. Males fight each other for access to females. They usually assess which male moose is larger with the smaller one retreating, but they may also fight each other with their antlers.
Aggressive Behavior
Moose aren't usually aggressive toward humans or other animals except during mating season, but they have been known to attack humans when they feel threatened. Female moose have also been known to be very aggressive when humans get too close to their calves. Moose also have relatively few natural enemies, but they are targeted by predators such as wolves. Their first line of defense against their predators is their sharp hooves, not their antlers. They kick their hooves in all directions when attacked, which makes a surprisingly effective weapon. Their antlers are mostly used to fight other moose for access to females.