Things You'll Need
Feather Sexing Sex-Linked Chicks
Hold the day-old chick gently in your non-dominant hand. Do this over an easily sterilized surface, as many of the chicks will leave droppings on your work area.
Grasp the wingtip in your dominant hand. Gently fan the feathers at the wingtip, holding them in place with your thumb and forefinger.
Examine the feathers at the wingtip. If the outer primary feathers are longer, and the downy insulating feathers are shorter, you are holding a female. If the outer primary feathers and downy insulating feathers are the same length, you are holding a male.
Compare color. In some cases, sex-linked crosses can be differentiated by the color of the chicks' down.
Vent-Sexing Chicks
Gently hold the chick upside down in your non-dominant hand. Professionals will squeeze out the chicks' embryonic droppings with a gentle pressure from their thumb, but this requires long practice. Home hobbyists can simply wipe the area with tissues, to avoid injuring the chicks.
Spread the vent area with the thumb and forefinger of your dominant hand.
Examine the inside of the vent. Males have a rudimentary sexual organ visible, a small transparent bulb. If this is absent, you are usually looking at a female.