Things You'll Need
Research the beach you are visiting before you go. Find out if it has a reputation of having a great deal of shark's teeth. Generally, shark's teeth are easier to locate on the East coast, especially southern Florida. Ask around, look on the Internet, and find the best location for teeth and learn what kind to look for.
Sit down in the sand at the edge of the water. Dig through the sand looking for shark's teeth. They will be dark brown to black and range in size from about a nickel to the size of a penny. See the Resources section for pictures and guides to finding shark's teeth in various sizes and colors.
Put on your snorkel equipment and move out into the water. Watch the sea bed and look for the tale-tell black color of the shark's teeth. Dive down and grab the sand around the spot where you suspect you've seen a shark's tooth. Sift it in your hands and see what you find.
Bring a net to the seashore and wade into the water about three feet. Loosen some sand and swish your net back and forth. You may find shark's teeth resting in the bottom of your net.