Choose an animal that you intend to breed. It is best to choose an animal you have experience in raising, such as a particular breed of dog that you've had as a pet previously. Ensure that you understand the animal's requirements for care, feeding, exercise and medical demands.
Research the web and in your local community and surrounding region so you can confirm that there is a demand for the animal of your choice. If you live in a big city, cats may be an optimal choice to compliment small living spaces and limited outdoor space. If you live in a rural area, large dogs or farm animals, such as chickens or pigs, may be a fine alternative to sell to farmers and people with large properties.
Create a budget for breeding your animal of choice. You must calculate medical expenses, food, equipment and any other breeding expenses. Additionally, you can include labor costs such as the time and energy required to breed and raise the animals.
Determine the price to set for each baby animal. The price must be high enough to cover all your expenses so you can turn a profit.
Attend pet shows and join breeder associations and clubs that specialize in educating people about breeding and raising your animal. Network with similar breeders and gather as much information as possible.
Purchase books and search the web for appropriate information on the animal's reproductive cycle, their mating habits, the birthing process and caring for the newborns.
Find prospective owners before you start breeding your animals. Advertise your breeding business in newspapers or online to find interested customers.
Select an appropriate male and female animal for breeding. If your animal is a particular breed of dog, you may need to ensure that each dog is comes with a license and pedigree papers.
Encourage the mating process between the pair of animals by providing them with the correct mating environment according to your research and with the help of a veterinarian or other experienced breeder. Be attentive to your animals throughout the entire pregnancy cycle, birthing process and newborn process.
Invite potential buyers to look at the animals and interact with them. Screen them carefully and choose the buyers who are kind, responsible and well-educated in terms of caring for the animal.
Collect your earnings from each animal sold and calculate your net profit by subtracting your total expenses from your total revenue.