Lead the cow to your chute or stanchion and restrain it. Place warm towels around its neck to help relax its muscles. Grasp its septum between the thumb and forefingers of one hand; this will help you keep its head still.
Face the palm of your other hand upward, cupping your fingers closely together, and carefully insert it into the cow's mouth. Press your hand against the roof of its mouth and slide it toward its throat. Keep your hand as far away from its tongue and back molars as possible.
Twist your wrist when you've reached the cow's throat and feel around for the object. Grasp the object and slide it toward you along the roof of the cow's mouth. Keep your hand and the object away from the cow's tongue and molars. If you can't grasp the object, remove your hand by sliding it along the roof of the cow's mouth, and call the vet.