Natural Enemies
Toucans have several natural enemies such as big cats, owls, big snakes and jaguars. The eggs are vulnerable to attacks by small snakes. A toucan lays two to four eggs.
Loss of Habitat
Human events and activities are the biggest threats. Around 40 species of toucans are endangered, such as the chestnut-mandibled toucan of Costa Rica. The loss of habitats through deforestation is the biggest threat. Tropical rainforests are being converted into agricultural lands and to non-productive forests.
Illegal Trade
Wildlife trade creates an imbalance in nature and virtually every part of a toucan is sold. People have used the feathers as ornaments and the rare feathered tongue has attracted illegal bird hunters. According to David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation, toucans are in danger of becoming extinct unless the illegal trade stops.
Sold as Pets
National Geographic says toucans are sold as pets and many endangered species are traded. Toucans are on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of Wild Fauna and Flora, under which parties may only grant permission to export something after it has been decided that the export will not be harmful to the species. The CITES lists are international agreements between governments.