Broad Winged and Short Tailed Hawks
Broad-winged hawks are a medium-sized birds, dark brown on the upper side with patchy and brown barring on a white underside. Wings are pale on the underside with black margins observable during flight; the tail has dark banding. Flight pattern is short flapping of wings followed by a period of gliding, and the hawk often soars on updrafts.
Short-tailed hawks don't have short tails, as the name would indicate; however, the tail is average in size. The wings are flat with slight upturns at the tips, resembling a vulture's. Upper parts are brown with pale white under-parts. These hawks rarely perch in the open and they dive for prey in a distinctively steep and plummeting angle.
Red-Tailed and Red- Shouldered Hawks
Red-shouldered hawks are large brown birds with distinctive underparts, rust red barring on a white base. Wings are finely barred and the shoulders are reddish brown. The dark brown tail is heavy with white bands.
Red-tailed hawks vary frequently in coloring but in general they are large birds with brown upper parts, throat and head. Underneath, they are pale and brown streaked. Dark-tipped wings have pale undersides and a dark bar at the leading edge. This hawk has a brownish-red tail with a thick, dark band at the tip. It has yellow feet and legs.
Sharp-Shinned and Harris Hawks
The Sharp-shinned hawk is one of the smaller hawks; its coloring is blueish gray on the top body and the under body is white with barring patterns. Trademarks are dark red eyes and short, rounded wings. The tail is long and square with thick, banding and legs and feet are both yellow.
Harris Hawks are large, ranging from 18 to 23 inches in length and wingspan between 40 and 47 inches. Coloring is a uniform dark brown with red shoulders and feathered legs. The tail has some barring as do the wings. Young birds have whitish underbellies and brown streaking on the upper parts.
Rough-Legged Hawk
This streak-headed hawk is large and has a brown upper body with a pale head. Its breasts are spotted with brown spots and legs are completely covered with feathers. The tail has small bands at the tip and becomes completely white where it meets the body. The hawk sometimes, though uncommonly, shows brownish black color over its entire body. Its breeding grounds are northern Canada. The bird has an affinity for upland tundra, open plains and marshes.